Monday, July 9, 2018

Tips to help you face your job interview

You can shine your job interview with a little more preparation, even if you have a less than a day to do so. suggests following tips that will help you approach your job interview in a confident frame of mind.
Conduct Basic Interview Research:
To prepare for the interview call the person who scheduled your interview and asks:
1. Who will you be talking to? Will you meet the manager you'd work for, or will you just talk to HR? What are the interviewer's expectations?
2. What's the dress code? Dress better than suggested. Most times, it's best to wear a professional suit. You'd be amazed how many candidates show up looking like they're going to class, not presenting a professional demeanor suggest reviews team experts.
3. Ask directions to the office. Plan to reach early. If you arrive late and stressed, the interview will not go well.
4. You can ask for the detailed job description if you don't have it.

Learn About the Company Online: complaints team suggest that search online about the company which will give you some information about the job description. Go through their website, or search the Web for additional information such as:
1.About the company in terms of annual sales or employees. Information about the company's products and services
2.Latest updates about the company in terms of new product, a press release, an interview with the CEO etc.
3.Know if the company is public, information at the bottom of its press releases will tell you a lot.
Get ready to answer typical interview questions:

Prepare three stories of your achievement at work or school. These stories should highlight your qualities such as judgment, initiative, teamwork or leadership.

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