Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Powerful Body Language Tips to Win in a job Interview

The key points of your body language include facial expressions, eye-contact, stern voice, physical appearance, posture, gestures, body movements, touch etc. Practice in front of the mirror and present yourself to the interviewer. Below tips help you to get through the job interview process. Wisdom jobs reviews report says that while interviewers observe communication skills including 7% verbal skills, 38% vocal behavior and 55% is non-verbal. Positive body language adds confident and helps to exhibit bet personality. career edge experts say that things to avoid during an interview:
·         Touching the face shows your nervousness and that you are hiding the truth.
·         Arms crossed on chest shows defensiveness.
·         Fondling with your hair shows your lack of self-confidence.
·         Rubbing hands together indicates anticipation.
·         Turning your head away shows disagreement or frustration.
·         Tapping your feet or swinging your legs exhibits nervousness.
·         Scratching your head might mislead to a number of things like lying, forgetfulness, uncertainty.
·         Biting nails and keeping fingers in your mouth indicates insecurity and tension.
·         Drumming on the table or leaning on the table shows your boredom.
Wisdom jobs complaints find that some important tips to face your interviewer
·         Don't cross your arms or legs.
·         Maintain eye-contact but do not stare.
·         Relax your shoulders and do not sit on the edge of the chair. Sit comfortably.
·         Do not put your hands in your pockets during the interview.
·         Do not talk too much. Listen carefully and answer appropriately.
·         Pay attention to what your interviewer/panel is talking about.
·         Don't bend / slouch while talking sit up straight?
·         Do not groom yourself or yawn while talking.
·         Do not tap your feet or swing your legs.
·         Do not try to walk away when the interviewer is still talking you. Let him finish.

·         Smile and nod gently to show interest and concern towards your interviewer.

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