Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What is the workmen compensation act?

The Workmen Compensation Act establishes compensation to employees and employee dependentsat the event of injuries or accidents (including certain occupational diseases) that result from employment or work and that result in disability or death.
Law applies to railway officials and persons employed for specific purposes in Schedule II of the Act. This schedule also includes persons employed in motor vehicles, construction works,and factories, mines, plantations, some other dangerous activities says wisdom jobs reviews experts.
Workmen compensation act India

In Workmen’s compensation Act India the amount of compensation to be paid depends on the nature of the injury and the average monthly salary and the age of the workers.
The minimum and maximum rates of compensation in case of death (in this case, it is paid to the dependents of the workers) and the disability have been fixed and can be revised from time to time finds wisdom jobs career edge experts.
Employees compensation act India
Security division has been created under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour and Employment to develop the social security policy for workers and implement the various social security plans. Employees compensation ActIndia is administered by state governments through workers' compensation commissioners finds wisdom jobs complaints study report.
The employer is obliged to pay compensation if an accident is caused to the worker because of his employment and in performing his duties if a worker hired in a work contract suffers a specific illness. The employer is not obliged to pay workmen compensation fund if the injury does not result in total or partial disability of the worker for a period of more than three days
If the injury, which results in death or total permanent disability, is caused by an accident because of the worker at the time of the accident under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The compensation is paid as soon as it is due. Where the employer does not accept liability for the compensation to the extent that it is claimed, an intermediate payment is required based on the scope of the responsibility it accepts and this payment must be made to the employer. Commissioner or given to the worker.

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